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Online Congress
The online scientific meeting application aims to preserve and reproduce the scientific and academic memory in the electronic medium. It is one of the objectives of Pleksus to have this application become one of the milestones of scientific information collecting.

This web application has started a new era in the national and international medicine scientific meetings producing solutions in many subjects from scientific meeting, air-travel and transportation records to scientific meeting center maps, from questionnaires to discussion lists.

The most important characteristic of the online scientific meeting application is the collection and evaluation of abstracts through the Internet. Thus, the time consuming secretarial processes or typesetting errors, postal delays and the risk of losing a manuscript are eliminated.

Until recently, the abstract collection process used to be carried out by a method in which the participants wrote the abstract on the printed forms present in the declaration booklets and sent them through mail. With the improvement of computer technologies, the abstracts began to be requested saved on disks. This situation, which shortened only the typesetting duration during the formation of the booklet, did not eliminate the abstracts' requirement of the physical coming together of the scientific committee. If this is not possible, all abstracts could be evaluated only by the scientific meeting chairman.

The widespread accessibility of the Internet has enabled abstract approval as well as transferring the evaluation processes to the Internet. The software we have developed enables abstracts to be evaluated independently from the location where they are situated and to receive peer-review evaluation from abroad, without requiring the scientific board members to meet physically.

  • Since the evaluation of the abstracts is realized by using web technologies, editors that are not in the same place can send their unbiased comments without seeing the name and/or institution of the abstract owner and give points to the sent abstracts. Thus, it becomes possible to have the decisions regarding the abstracts taken by a peer-review committee.
  • Since all abstracts are collected in an electronic medium, formation of abstract booklet, correction of spelling mistakes and preparation of author index are accomplished easily and expediently.
  • Feedback is given to the owners of the abstracts through e-mail in a very fast manner on the outcomes of their abstracts.
  • It is possible to form a presentation schedule of the abstracts and to view all of it through lists according to different options. (Since the abstracts are kept in the database, listings can be made according to the abstract type, group, day and hour). Evaluations where hundreds of abstracts are spread over the table that last for days are now left in the past.
  • Feedback to the writers about the abstract outcomes and the abstract presentation schedules through mail and informing texts special to individuals can be prepared automatically within a few minutes.
Online Scientific meeting Application is a database supported software package that include
  • Scientific meeting web pages,
  • Online register and reservation,
  • Online abstract approval,
  • Information evaluation and feedback modules.

- Solutions
- Web Solutions
  • Online Publishing
  • Online Congress
  • e-learning
  • Data Management
  • Virtual Medium & Communication Channel
  • Web Content Management
  • Pleksus e-bulletin
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